Social and Emotional Development – 48 Months

Posted on Mar 20, 2014 in
Strand Topic Code HELDS Standard
Social Development Interactions with Adults SE.48.a With assistance, separates from significant adults without demonstrating a great deal of anxiety
Social Development Interactions with Peers SE.48.b Initiate interactions with other children or interacts when other children initiate
Social Development Interactions with Peers SE.48.c Participate in small- and large-group activities
Social Development Interactions with Peers SE.48.d Make and maintain a friendship with at least one child
Social Development Interactions with Peers SE.48.e At times, recognize and name the feeling of self and others
Social Development Adaptive Social Behavior SE.48.f Follow routines and social rules in a group setting most of the time
Emotional Development Self-efficacy SE.48.g Demonstrate confidence in own abilities
Emtional Development Self-control and Regulation SE.48.h Regulate own emotions and behavior most of the time
Emotional Development Emotional Expression SE.48.h Regulate own emotions and behavior most of the time


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