Physical Well Being, Health, and Motor Development – 24 Months

Posted on Mar 20, 2014 in
Strand Topic Code HELDS Standard
Motor Development Gross Motor Skills PHM/GK.24.a Experiment with different ways of moving (e.g. walks across room; marches; walks backwards; etc.)
Motor Development Gross Motor Skills PHM.24.b Experiment with different ways of balancing (e.g. squat to pick up toys; kneel when playing, etc.)
Motor Development Fine Motor Skills PHM.24.c Hold an object in one hand and manipulate with the other hand
Motor Development Fine Motor Skills PHM.24.d Grasp objects and pick up objects with thumb and forefingers
Physical Development Physical Exercise PHM.24.e Sustain physical activity such for at least three to five minutes at a time
Health and Personal Care Daily Living Skills PHM/SE.24.f Seek out familiar adult when facing a challenging situation
Health and Personal Care Daily Living Skills PHM/SE.24.g Change focus and listen when adult is speaking to them
Health and Personal Care Daily Living Skills PHM.24.h Recognize basic health care workers in books, pictures, or photographs
Health and Personal Care Daily Living Skills PHM.24.i Attempt or complete basic hygiene practices with adult support
Health and Personal Care Safe Practices PHM/GK.24.j Cooperate with basic safety practices
Health and Personal Care Rules and Regulations PHM/GK.24.j Cooperate with basic safety practices

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