Approaches to Learning – 24 Months

Posted on Mar 20, 2014 in
Strand Topic Code HELDS Standard
Learning Approaches Initiative and Creativity AL/LA.24.a Explore the environment in close proximity to and in constant sight of caregiver
Learning Approaches Initiative and Creativity AL/LA.24.g Show interest in new activities and experiences
Learning Approaches Persistence and Attentiveness AL.24.b Repeat difficult tasks or activities many times to achieve mastery
Learning Approaches Persistence and Attentiveness AL.12-24.c Pay attention to sights and sounds
Learning Approaches Problem Solving AL/LA.24.d Use single object in different ways
Learning Approaches Reflection and Interpretation AL/LA.24.e Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines
Learning Approaches Reflection and Interpretation AL/LA.24.f Relate objects and people to events


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