Hawai’i Early Childhood State Plan

The Early Childhood State Plan is an overarching framework that will help coordinate efforts of the State, counties, and community by setting shared priorities and driving the need to collaborate and leverage resources to improve the lives of our keiki and their families. It is the community’s plan. Here you can find the Comprehensive Plan and its Summary.
The five-year plan was facilitated by the Executive Office on Early Learning, and steering committee collaborators from both the public and private sectors statewide. More than 150 additional participants, through islands-wide focus groups and interviews, also spent time reviewing the drafted plan, providing candid feedback, and contributing to the final version to address a unanimous priority to look system-wide, beyond early learning, to consider the whole child. Participants represented a broad spectrum of Hawaii’s community, including parent groups, health professionals, policymakers, early care and education professionals, advocates, philanthropists, higher education, attorneys, and State department personnel.
Implementation of the Early Childhood State Plan is dependent upon collective action by public and private partners, fostered by the Early Learning Board. We welcome your involvement in helping to build an early childhood system that will make a difference for our keiki and their families.
To learn more about Hawai’i’s Early Childhood State Plan and how to get involved visit: www.earlychildhoodhawaii.com
On the Horizon: Renewing the State Plan in 2025
We look forward to renewing our state’s commitment to a more coordinated and effective early childhood system for all of Hawai’i’s children based on. Look out for upcoming information on how to get involved in helping us update the plans priorities, strategies, and indicators of success through community engagement and ongoing communication with partners.