English Language Arts and Literacy – 24 Months

Posted on Mar 20, 2014 in
Strand Topic Code HELDS Standard
Reading Literature Key Ideas and Details LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Literature Key Ideas and Details LA.24.c Point to a character when named in a story
Reading Literature Craft and Structure LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Literature Integration of Knowledge and Ideas LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Literature Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Informational Key Ideas and Details LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Informational Craft and Structure LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Informational Integration of Knowledge and Ideas LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Reading Informational Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Al/LA.24.f Relate objects and people to events
Reading Informational Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity LA.24.h Select a favorite book to read
Reading Foundational Print Concepts LA.24.i Show interest in books or photos
Reading Foundational Phonological Awareness LA.24.j Show interest in rhyming words
Reading Foundational Fluency LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Writing Text Types and Purposes LA.24.l Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures
Writing Text Types and Purposes LA.24.m Make simple statements about people or things not present
Writing Text Types and Purposes GK/LA.24.aa Make scribbles or marks
Writing Production and Distribution of Writing AL/LA.24.d Use single object in different ways
Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge AL/LA.24.a Explore the environment in close proximity to and in constant sight of caregiver
Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge AL/LA.24.g Show interest in new activities and experiences
Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge AL/LA.24.f Relate objects and people to events
Language Research to Build and Present Knowledge AL/LA.24.e Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines
Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration LA.24.n Focus attention on speaker and attempt to imitate speech
Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration AL/LA.24.a Explore the environment in close proximity to and in constant sight of caregiver
Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration AL/LA.24.g Show interest in new activities and experiences
Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas AL/LA.24.e Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines
Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas LA.24.l Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures
Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas LA.24.o Use 2-word combinations to communicate
Language Conventions of Standard English LA.24.p Use one- or two-word phrases
Language Conventions of Standard English GK/LA.24.aa Make scribbles or marks
Language Conventions of Standard English LA.24.l Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures
Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use LA.24.k Name familiar people, animals and objects
Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use LA.24.q Show an awareness of word relationships when matching and sorting objects by color, size, or shape
Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use LA.24.b Point to pictures or objects in books when asked
Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use AL/LA.24.e Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines


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