English Language Arts and Literacy – 24 Months
Posted on Mar 20, 2014 inStrand | Topic | Code | HELDS Standard |
Reading Literature | Key Ideas and Details | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Literature | Key Ideas and Details | LA.24.c | Point to a character when named in a story |
Reading Literature | Craft and Structure | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Literature | Integration of Knowledge and Ideas | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Literature | Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Informational | Key Ideas and Details | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Informational | Craft and Structure | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Informational | Integration of Knowledge and Ideas | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Reading Informational | Integration of Knowledge and Ideas | Al/LA.24.f | Relate objects and people to events |
Reading Informational | Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity | LA.24.h | Select a favorite book to read |
Reading Foundational | Print Concepts | LA.24.i | Show interest in books or photos |
Reading Foundational | Phonological Awareness | LA.24.j | Show interest in rhyming words |
Reading Foundational | Fluency | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Writing | Text Types and Purposes | LA.24.l | Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures |
Writing | Text Types and Purposes | LA.24.m | Make simple statements about people or things not present |
Writing | Text Types and Purposes | GK/LA.24.aa | Make scribbles or marks |
Writing | Production and Distribution of Writing | AL/LA.24.d | Use single object in different ways |
Writing | Research to Build and Present Knowledge | AL/LA.24.a | Explore the environment in close proximity to and in constant sight of caregiver |
Writing | Research to Build and Present Knowledge | AL/LA.24.g | Show interest in new activities and experiences |
Writing | Research to Build and Present Knowledge | AL/LA.24.f | Relate objects and people to events |
Language | Research to Build and Present Knowledge | AL/LA.24.e | Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines |
Speaking and Listening | Comprehension and Collaboration | LA.24.n | Focus attention on speaker and attempt to imitate speech |
Speaking and Listening | Comprehension and Collaboration | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Speaking and Listening | Comprehension and Collaboration | AL/LA.24.a | Explore the environment in close proximity to and in constant sight of caregiver |
Speaking and Listening | Comprehension and Collaboration | AL/LA.24.g | Show interest in new activities and experiences |
Speaking and Listening | Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas | AL/LA.24.e | Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines |
Speaking and Listening | Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas | LA.24.l | Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures |
Speaking and Listening | Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas | LA.24.o | Use 2-word combinations to communicate |
Language | Conventions of Standard English | LA.24.p | Use one- or two-word phrases |
Language | Conventions of Standard English | GK/LA.24.aa | Make scribbles or marks |
Language | Conventions of Standard English | LA.24.l | Recognize people, objects, and animals in pictures |
Language | Vocabulary Acquisition and Use | LA.24.k | Name familiar people, animals and objects |
Language | Vocabulary Acquisition and Use | LA.24.q | Show an awareness of word relationships when matching and sorting objects by color, size, or shape |
Language | Vocabulary Acquisition and Use | LA.24.b | Point to pictures or objects in books when asked |
Language | Vocabulary Acquisition and Use | AL/LA.24.e | Prefer routines and activities that mirror home routines |
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