FPG Focus Groups
This project was a group effort led by individuals from varying agencies and organizations. Representatives from the Executive Office on Early Learning, P-20 Partners in Education, Family Hui, the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the Head Start Collaboration Office, and the Learning Coalition met to draft the initial Guidelines document and to plan and convene focus groups across the state to provide feedback on the document and its implementation across early childhood settings serving children birth to age 8.
15 focus groups were conducted on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Kauai and Oahu in April and May 2013. Participants included practitioners serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers and K-3 children, as well as family members. In total, approximately 190 individuals representing 43 community organizations and/or State entities participated in these focus groups. For a summary of the FPG Focus Group findings, click here.
Once the focus group feedback was analyzed, specific changes were made to the FPGs. For a summary of the changes, please click here.
Click here to view the FPG Focus Group Summary.
Click here to view a side-by-side of the original and revised document.