Physical Well Being, Health, and Motor Development – 24 Months
Posted on Mar 20, 2014 inStrand | Topic | Code | HELDS Standard |
Motor Development | Gross Motor Skills | PHM/GK.24.a | Experiment with different ways of moving (e.g. walks across room; marches; walks backwards; etc.) |
Motor Development | Gross Motor Skills | PHM.24.b | Experiment with different ways of balancing (e.g. squat to pick up toys; kneel when playing, etc.) |
Motor Development | Fine Motor Skills | PHM.24.c | Hold an object in one hand and manipulate with the other hand |
Motor Development | Fine Motor Skills | PHM.24.d | Grasp objects and pick up objects with thumb and forefingers |
Physical Development | Physical Exercise | PHM.24.e | Sustain physical activity such for at least three to five minutes at a time |
Health and Personal Care | Daily Living Skills | PHM/SE.24.f | Seek out familiar adult when facing a challenging situation |
Health and Personal Care | Daily Living Skills | PHM/SE.24.g | Change focus and listen when adult is speaking to them |
Health and Personal Care | Daily Living Skills | PHM.24.h | Recognize basic health care workers in books, pictures, or photographs |
Health and Personal Care | Daily Living Skills | PHM.24.i | Attempt or complete basic hygiene practices with adult support |
Health and Personal Care | Safe Practices | PHM/GK.24.j | Cooperate with basic safety practices |
Health and Personal Care | Rules and Regulations | PHM/GK.24.j | Cooperate with basic safety practices |
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