Social and Emotional Development – 24 Months
Posted on Mar 20, 2014 inStrand | Topic | Code | HELDS Standard |
Social Development | Interactions with Adults | PHM/SE.24.f | Seek out familiar adult when facing a challenging situation |
Social Development | Interactions with Adults | PHM/SE.24.g | Change focus and listen when adult is speaking to them |
Social Development | Interactions with Peers | SE.24.a | Imitate actions of other children |
Social Development | Interactions with Peers | SE.24.b | Respond appropriately to others’ expressions of wants |
Social Development | Interactions with Peers | SE.24.c | Experiment with effects of own actions on objects and people |
Social Development | Adaptive Social Behavior | SE.24.d | Understand one word rules such as “no” or “stop” |
Social Development | Adaptive Social Behavior | SE.24.e | Asserts ownership (e.g., by saying “mine”) |
Social Development | Self-efficacy | SE.24.h | Begin to demonstrate need to complete tasks on his/her own |
Emotional Development | Self-control and Regulation | SE.24.i | Begin to express their likes and dislikes |
Emotional Development | Self-control and Regulation | SE.24.j | Begin to develop strategies to manage expression of feelings |
Emotiional Development | Emotional Expression | SE.24.k | Express emotion related to a problem or conflict |
Emotional Development | Emotional Expression | SE.24.l | Show a range of emotions including fear, surprise, happiness, and contentment |
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