Cognition and General Knowledge – Kindergarten Entry

Posted on Mar 20, 2014 in
Strand Topic Code HELDS Standard
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.a Verbally count to 20 by ones
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.b Demonstrate ability to count in sequence
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.c Recognize and name written numerals to 10
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.d Count many kinds of concrete objects and actions up to 10 using one-to-one correspondence
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.e Count as many as 7 things in a scattered configuration with no errors
Mathematics and Numeracy Number Sense GK.KE.f Recognize, create, and repeat simple patterns
Mathematics and Numeracy Operations GK.KE.g Use a range of strategies, such as counting, subtracting, or matching to compare quantity in two sets of objects and describes the comparison with terms such as more, less, greater than, fewer, or equal to
Mathematics and Numeracy Operations GK.KE.e Count as many as 7 things in a scattered configuration with no errors
Mathematics and Numeracy Measurement and Data GK.KE.h Recognize the attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of everyday objects and use appropriate vocabulary (e.g. long, short, light, big, small, wide, narrow)
Mathematics and Numeracy Measurement and Data GK.KE.i Compare the attributes of length and weight for 2 objects including: larger/shorter/same length; heavier/lighter/same, holds more, less, same
Mathematics and Numeracy Measurement and Data GK.KE.j Sort, classify, and serialize (puts in a pattern) objects using attributes, such as color, shape, or size
Mathematics and Numeracy Geometry GK.KE.k Use positional words to describe an object’s location (e.g., up, down, above, under, inside, outside)
Mathematics and Numeracy Geometry GK.KE.l Recognize and name common shapes, their parts, and attributes
Mathematics and Numeracy Geometry GK.KE.m Create and represent 3-dimensional shapes (e.g. ball/sphere, square/box/cube, tube/cylinder using various manipulative materials such as play-dough, popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks)
Science Scientific and Engineering Practices GK.KE.n Use senses and tools, including technology, to gather information, investigate materials, and observe processes and relationships
Science Scientific and Engineering Practices GK.KE.o Make predictions about changes in materials or objects based on past experience
Science Scientific and Engineering Practices GK.KE.p Ask and seek out answers to questions about objects and events with the assistance of interested adults
Science Physical Science GK.KE.r Explore different kinds of matter (e.g. wood, metal, water) and describe by observing properties (e.g. visual, aural, textural)
Science Physical Science GK.KE.s Explore and describe various actions that can change an object’s motion such as pulling, pushing, twisting, rolling, and throwing
Science Life Sciences GK.KE.t Investigate, describe, and compare the characteristics that differentiate living from non-living things
Science Life Sciences GK.KE.u Observe and describe plants and animals as they go through predictable life cycles
Science Life Sciences GK.KE.v Observe and describe ways in which many plants and animals resemble their parents
Science Earth’s Place in the Universe GK.KE.w Describe and anticipate weather changes
Science Earth’s Place in the Universe GK.KE.x Name any celestial object seen in the day or night sky
Science Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science GK.KE.y Recognize, with assistance, examples of technologies (e.g., knife, pencil, computer, pencil sharpener, refrigerator at home or in the classroom)
Social Studies History GK.KE.z Recognize calendars and simple timelines
Social Studies Geography GK.KE.aa Construct and describe simple maps of their classroom or home
Social Studies Geography Engage in activities that build understanding of words for locations and direction
Social Studies Economics Pretend to be a buyer or seller
Social Studies Economics GK.KE.dd Identify people’s basic needs and explain how they fulfill them
Social Studies Economics Identify buyers and sellers
Social Studies Economics GK.KE.ff Identify one or two workers and their jobs in the community
Social Studies Government/Political Science PHM/GK.KE.q Discuss examples of rules, fairness, personal responsibilities, and authority in their own experiences and in stories read to them
Community and Culture Community Use self-identifying information (e.g. name, age, etc.) in situations outside the classroom
Community and Culture Culture GK.KE.hh Talk about, compare, and explore similarities and differences in daily practices across cultures
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Visual GK.KE.ii Describe texture, color, and shape in artwork
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Visual GK.KE.jj Explore a variety of age-appropriate materials and media to create two and three-dimensional artwork
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Visual GK.KE.kk Express an opinion about a work of art
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Visual GK.KE.ll Explore how color can convey mood and emotion
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Musical Play instruments using different beats, tempo, dynamics, and interpretation
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Musical GK.KE.nn Sing a variety of songs with repetitive phrases and rhythmic patterns independently and with others
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Musical GK.KE.oo Sing songs varying voice and sounds (e.g. high and low, short and long, loud and soft, or fast and slow)
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Musical GK.KE.pp Identify one source of music that can be heard in daily life
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Movement GK.KE.qq Use body, energy, space, and time to move in a few different ways (change: Following adult lead, use body, energy, space, and time to move in a few different ways to match with this one)
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Movement GK.KE.rr Express self freely through movement
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Movement Create characters through physical movement, gesture, sound, speech, and facial expressions
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Dramatic Expression GK.KE.hh Talk about, compare, and explore similarities and differences in daily practices across cultures
Creative Arts Expression and Representation Dramatic Expression Develop audience skills by observing performances or artists at work in various aspects of the Arts

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