Cognition and General Knowledge – 36 Months
Posted on Mar 20, 2014 inStrand | Topic | Code | HELDS Standard |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Number Sense | GK.36.b | Verbally count to 5 |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Number Sense | GK.36.c | Show an understanding of number concepts (i.e. one/two; more/less) |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Number Sense | GK.36.d | Recognize and name a few numerals |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Number Sense | GK.36.e | Recognize simple patterns |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Measurement and Data | GK.36.f | Identify characteristics for comparison (e.g., size, color, shape) |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Measurement and Data | GK.36.g | Order a few objects by size with assistance |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Measurement and Data | GK.36.h | Match and sort according to one attribute: color, size, or shape |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Geometry | GK.36.i | Imitate basic directionality with adults and peers |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Geometry | GK.36.k | Match two identical shapes |
Mathematics and Numeracy | Geometry | GK.36.l | Explore the ways that shapes and objects fit together |
Science | Scientific Engineering and Practices | GK.36.m | Use the senses as tools with which to observe and describe |
Science | Scientific Engineering and Practices | GK.36.n | Ask questions and may seek answers |
Science | Physical Science | GK.36.o | Identify differences in the properties of some objects or materials |
Science | Physical Science | GK.36.p | Use words to describe when moving objects in different ways |
Science | Life Sciences | GK.36.q | Begin to understand the difference between living and non-living things |
Science | Life Sciences | GK.36.r | Identify adults and their offspring |
Science | Life Sciences | GK.36.s | Name some common animals and their babies |
Science | Earth’s Place in the Universe | GK.36.t | Notice weather change |
Science | Earth’s Place in the Universe | GK.36.u | Identify the sky different characteristics during night and day |
Science | Earth Place in the Universe | GK.36.v | Notice differences in cloud patterns |
Science | Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science | GK.36.w | Uses simple tools to continue exploration |
Social Studies | History | GK.36.x | State periods of day when events occur |
Social Studies | Geography | GK.36.y | Follow a pathway or roadway on a large car mat |
Social Studies | Geography | PHM/GK.36.a | Continue to experiment with different ways of moving (e.g. walks across room; marches; walks backwards; etc.) |
Social Studies | Economics | GK.36.z | Recognize that others have basic needs (e.g. offers a cookie, or a hug, etc.) |
Social Studies | Economics | GK.36.aa | Name self in pictures |
Social Studies | Economics | GK.36bb | Recognize that money is needed to purchase materials |
Social Studies | Economics | GK.36cc | Identify that businesses provide goods or services |
Social Studies | Government/Political Science | PHM/GK.36-48.j | Use basic safety practices |
Community and Culture | Community | GK.36.dd | Have knowledge of own characteristics (such as name, gender, age, physical traits and family roles |
Community and Culture | Community | GK.36.aa | Name self in pictures |
Community and Culture | Culture | | With teacher support, begin to develop awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of own culture |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Visual | GK.36.ff | Tell about own art products |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Visual | | With adult assistance, use a variety of tools and materials to create new products |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Visual | GK.36.hh | With adult assistance, comment on characteristics of others’ work |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Visual | GK.36.ii | Create age appropriate representations of real objects and concepts in artwork |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Musical | GK.36.jj | Use instruments to create sound and rhythm |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Musical | GK.36-48.kk | Sing songs in recognizable ways |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Movement | GK.36-48.ll | Use body and energy to move in different |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Movement | | Begin to take on roles of familiar people, animals, or characters |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Movement | PHM/GK.36.a | Continue to experiment with different ways of moving (e.g. walks across room; marches; walks backwards; etc.) |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Dramatic Expression | | With teacher support, begin to develop awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of own culture |
Creative Arts Expression and Representation | Dramatic Expression | GK.36.nn | Seek an audience for one actions |
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